OUTLANDER MANIA!!! Bookish Box Un-Boxing

A few months ago I ordered an Outlander Bookish Box. When it finally came, I was so excited I couldn't wait to do a video un-boxing. This is the result - an awkward, weirdly positioned video. It does show all of the cool items I received in my box:

Bookish Boxes are by subscription for the monthly boxes, or they have these special boxes that are available to order separately, like the Outlander box. You can read more about that here: https://thebookishbox.cratejoy.com/

Of course I had to get the Outlander box! I've been a Diana Gabaldon fan ever since Outlander was first published, and the advent of the wonderful Starz TV show has only made my heart beat faster. One day I will find a beautiful full-size hardback copy with the original cover, like the one pictured, and like the one I read back in 1990 or 1991.

If you haven't read the book, do it! Or go watch the show. It's pretty faithful to the book, you won't be disappointed. And you'll fall in love. I'm just stating a fact. You won't be able to help yourself!


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