When You Take a Step

Today started out kind of hard. I was very tired and didn't get up at the usual time, which put me behind from the start. However, this is one of the joys of working from home the way I do. I don't have to be at the desk at a certain time unless I have a meeting of some kind. So today I was late because I had to do some stuff. Among those stuffs was a call to the insurance company to see if they cover a procedure I am seriously interested in having done. So I called and to my surprise (not), I didn't get the info I wanted. I did get advice to get the "CPT and diagnosis codes" from the doctor and then call back. So that forced me to call the doctor and make an appointment. So I did, and am going in two Fridays to get a diagnosis. I am pretty psyched about that. I've been wishy-washy about this for so long, and it's time. So I took the STEP, which makes me feel pretty good. But I didn't work out. So.........

I need to go get groceries very badly. As in no bread, no peanut butter, no margarine, nothing for The Boy to bring for lunch. I tried to do the home delivery from the supermarket, but it was only for tomorrow delivery, which helps me not at all. So I will have to do that this afternoon/evening, if The Boy gets home with the car from his play practice.

So that's today, hoping to do better with the exercise tomorrow.



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