Hanging with Celebrities in Denver - or, How I Met Pioneer Woman

Several moths ago, my BFF Susie and I traveled to Denver to meet THE Pioneer Woman, Ree Drummond, and ask her to sign our books. I've been a fan of her for years, and having introduced her to Susie, it was a no-brainer that we would make the trip to meet her.

If you haven't been to a book signing for a famous person, it's a pretty cray experience. The way this one worked was: we got there about 3 hours before Ree was supposed to appear. If you brought your own books to be signed, you got a ticket that allowed you to wait behind all the people who bought their books from the bookstore. I was fortunate to have purchased the last "The Pioneer Woman Cooks: A Year of Holidays: 140 Step-by-Step Recipes for Simple, Scrumptious Celebrations" on the shelf and Susie got it too, so we got to get in line before the outside book buyers, I think we were #311 and #312 or something like that. Yes- 3 hours early and in the three hundreds. As we waited in line for the next several hours, we met some very nice people. We found out that some people had waited for the store to open on the day the book was released so they could be the first ones in line. Good lesson #1. Then, we found out that some people had pre-ordered signed books and would just pick them up later- not an option for ME, because I had to meet her. Then we met people who knew the drill, and bought books, picked up a ticket and went out to eat instead of waiting in line, then just popped into their spot. Good lesson #2, but hard to swallow when you are wanly wilting in the line and some fresh-faced person carrying a frosty soda jumps your spot after 2 and a half hours. Ahem. At about hour 3, Susie's gorgeous daughter Hollie, who lives in D-town, brought us Chik-fil-A sandwiches and waters. She is a goddess to me. We got some looks for that, but whatevs! It's who you know, people! That revived us, and then we eventually got to where we could see Ree! That really charged us up, and finally, finally, we got to meet her and speak to her. I seriously got tears in my eyes, I was so excited:

She is beautiful and sweet and just amazing!

So, the moral of my story is- if you want to meet someone that you admire, it's worth waiting in line!


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