And so it goes

I've just finished with work and am putting off the making of dinner by posting to the blog. I've been working out most days and not having dessert most nights. I hope that is a good way to start the process of becoming more fit. I just wasn't ready to go full-bore into massive calorie reduction and heavy-duty exercise. I don't want to get all worn out on it and I also could feel myself becoming anxious when I thought about giving up pizza, Carls Jr and cake.
Ok, Russell, whatever you say, baby.
I am struggling with this whole Clippers owner situation. I am disgusted by his remarks, yet I am also disgusted that the man was taped talking to his MISTRESS (which apparently isn't a problem for the NBA, go figure), after doing all kinds of truly racist things for years, like denying people housing on the basis of their color and the thing he's being censured for are his remarks about black people on this particular call. And that it's all based on a private, personal call that was released to the media. I know it's not a first amendment issue, I get that- it's just that when people are punished for what they say in the privacy of their own homes, it reminds me of Nazi Germany and of Russia.

So thos're my thoughts for Tuesday...


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